It is not new that Google has become a kind of internet hub. Maybe you haven’t encountered other types of search engines before this one, but there were serious problems to find what you wanted in the past.

Not to mention the difficulty there was in selecting what really was quality content. Google’s system ended up revolutionizing the quality of searches and transformed a simple search engine into one of the biggest companies on the internet.

The fact is that although the quality has increased a lot, there is some difficulty in placing yourself in the top positions of Google. Even though you are extremely capable.

To solve the placement problem, and also to make a slight income, Google Ads was created, where you can position yourself exactly in the ideal search for your business.

After all, usually those who do a search for a particular term are interested in what you can offer. So it would be safe to say that most advertisements made through these systems bring an almost guaranteed result.

It will all depend on your copywriting, of course. However, it wouldn’t be difficult to find real results in several of your segments if you do everything right. Today you will learn here how this service works in practice.

Let’s check it out?

Google Ads: How does it work?

First, it is important to say that Google Ads is a system made in Google and that it is linked to the search engine. So you need support tools that bring results that relate to this tool.

It’s no use trying to get metrics from other search engines, after all they won’t be relevant here. It’s hard for someone to get confused, but it’s not impossible.

First you need to decide your ad keyword. It will be done whenever the term is searched. But you can also have your searches run and advertised through people selected by other criteria.

A very common one is sex, which can help in selling products targeting women, for example. However, it may be that you get results by selecting your customers through an age group audience. The important thing is to have a correct understanding of your avatar, that is, your ideal client’s profile.

In this vein, we can say that it will be difficult to sell a professional programming course for people over 50, for example, but it can be very interesting for those between 18 and 35 years old. Remember, however, that there are cases where people fall outside of these standards.

However, they are not necessarily the best ones to invest in when spending on advertising. Unless your product is exactly aimed at this audience.

On Google Ads, you invest in online advertising by registering a credit card or through a bank slip, and you pay for each click received, that is, you only pay when a potential customer enters your website or online store, one of the factors that makes Google Ads one of the most efficient online sales tools. There is a kind of control that you can schedule too, so that expenses don’t exceed your Marketing budget.

In the end, the ideal is to build a broader persona and make small campaigns, refining the results with what gives you a higher ROI. Always gradually increasing the invested.

So you can find exactly your ideal audience. Gradually you will have even more satisfying results. To get expert advice for your Google Ads campaigns and get the best possible results, please contact us.

Fale Conosco
Fale Conosco